Alternative Investment Mutual Funds

Alternative Investment Mutual Funds : Value Of It Investment : Small Business Investment Act Of.

Alternative Investment Mutual Funds

    alternative investment

  • An alternative investment is an investment product other than traditional investments such as stocks, bonds, cash or property.
  • Putting your money into items such as antiques or art instead of conventional investments.
  • an investment in an asset class other than the four traditional asset classes – equities, property, bonds and cash. Examples could be wine or art.

    mutual funds

  • (mutual fund) the pooled money that is invested in assets
  • (mutual fund) a regulated investment company with a pool of assets that regularly sells and redeems its shares
  • A mutual fund is a professionally managed type of collective investment scheme that pools money from many investors and invests typically in investment securities (stocks, bonds, short-term money market instruments, other mutual funds, other securities, and/or commodities such as precious metals
  • An investment program funded by shareholders that trades in diversified holdings and is professionally managed
alternative investment mutual funds

alternative investment mutual funds – Alternative Beta

Alternative Beta Strategies and Hedge Fund Replication (Wiley Finance)
Alternative Beta Strategies and Hedge Fund Replication (Wiley Finance)
There s a buzzword that has quickly captured the imagination of product providers and investors alike: “hedge fund replication”. In the broadest sense, replicating hedge fund strategies means replicating their return sources and corresponding risk exposures. However, there still lacks a coherent picture on what hedge fund replication means in practice, what its premises are, how to distinguish di erent approaches, and where this can lead us to.
Serving as a handbook for replicating the returns of hedge funds at considerably lower cost, Alternative Beta Strategies and Hedge Fund Replication provides a unique focus on replication, explaining along the way the return sources of hedge funds, and their systematic risks, that make replication possible. It explains the background to the new discussion on hedge fund replication and how to derive the returns of many hedge fund strategies at much lower cost, it differentiates the various underlying approaches and explains how hedge fund replication can improve your own investment process into hedge funds.
Written by the well known Hedge Fund expert and author Lars Jaeger, the book is divided into three sections: Hedge Fund Background, Return Sources, and Replication Techniques. Section one provides a short course in what hedge funds actually are and how they operate, arming the reader with the background knowledge required for the rest of the book. Section two illuminates the sources from which hedge funds derive their returns and shows that the majority of hedge fund returns derive from systematic risk exposure rather than manager “Alpha”. Section three presents various approaches to replicating hedge fund returns by presenting the first and second generation of hedge fund replication products, points out the pitfalls and strengths of the various approaches and illustrates the mathematical concepts that underlie them.
With hedge fund replication going mainstream, this book provides clear guidance on the topic to maximise returns.

Ferdinand Marcos : The Great Ilocano

Ferdinand Marcos : The Great Ilocano
Unchallenged and Unsurpassed achievement in law –

BizNews Asia September 12-19, 2011 issue. Volume 9 No. 20
By Manuel " Lolong " M. Lazaro – Former Presidential Assistant for Legal Affairs and Government Corporate Counsel

The great bard William Shakespeare wrote in an epigrammatic tone : " The evil that men do lives after them; the good is oft interred with their bones. "
It is typical of Filipinos to have short memories of another’ s good deeds, but long memories of the other ‘s bad or perceived wrongs. This is the tragic irony in the case of the late President Marcos. The perceived illegal acts of FM have been incessantly tautologized.
They were designed protuberantly to submerge or marginalize his landmark contributions to our legal system. But, as the painter Salvador Dali once said, " The difference between false memories and true ones is the same as for jewels: it is always the false ones that look the most real, the most brilliant. "

FM’s secure place in history

The beneficiaries of the February 1986 event – remarkable only for being unremarkable in constitutionalism – have fashioned and sustained a barrage of adverse publicity to efface President Marcos from the tapestry of history.
They are pursuing what Maitland sharply observed: " The essential matter of history is not what happened but what people wrote or said about it ".
However, if we were to speak or write only about the bad of the dead, history would be even littered with more inaccuracies than it is now.
Marcos’ achievements and contributions are a matter of record. To obliterate Marcos’ achievements / contributions from the pages of history is to distort the past and mislead the future.
Succeeding administrations have employed laws and the media to destroy or consign Marcos to oblivion notwithstanding his solid achievements for the good of the nation and its people.
Good deeds, especially those beneficial to the nation and people, cannot be effaced or expunged. Good triumphs in the end. FM’s place in history is secure.
The Marcos laws abound around us. They are embedded in our legal system. They continue to govern and guide the nation and the government functionaries. The vision and foresight of FM in lawmaking for governance are richly illustrated by the varied and numerous vital legal issuances.

Number of FM issuances

From Sept. 21, 1972 up tp Feb. 26, 1986, or in a span of 14 years, President Ferdinand E. Marcos had crafted and formulated, with the assistance of experts, 7,883 presidential decrees and other5 legal issuances. These issuances covered almost every phase of human life or conduct – from birth to the grave, so to speak. They are categorized as follows:

a) Presidential Decrees (1 to 2036 )
b) Letters of Instructions (1 to 1525)
c) Letters of Implementation (1 to 157)
d) General Orders (1 to 61)
e) Executive Orders (366 to 1093)
f) Administrative Orders (349 to 504 )
g) Proclamations (1081 to 2486)
h) Memo Circulars (599 to 1297)
These legal issuances were designed not only for the yester years, but also for today and tomorrow.
Gifted with legal acumen, President Marcos adorned his legal issuances with wisdom and justice, embellished with compassion and concern for the people’s welfare. They are exclusive of the hundreds of laws that he authored and/ or sponsored as congressman and senator for almost two decades.

FM: Leader of phenomenal vision
President Marcos was a leader of phenomenal global vision. He dreamed of greatness and he relentlessly pursued its realization. He was a man ahead of his time.
Perhaps it is for this reason he was often misunderstood and unappreciated. But in time, after the winds of hatred and vengeance shall have flown away, he will be remembered as the greatest Filipino lawyer.

Minimal percentage of FM issuances repealed
Significantly, out of the 7,883 presidential issuances, only 67 PDs or less than .01 % have either been repealed or modified.
The minimal percentage of 67 PDs either repealed or modified by EO No. 187 of President Corazon Aquino were the decress increasing the penalties for certain offenses against public order and security,e.g. PDs 38, 1735, 1834,1974 and 1996.
Interestingly, the rationale and purpose of the PDs repealed or modified were resurrected in enacting Art. 134-A of the Revised Penal Code, as amended by RA 6968 (law on coup d’ etat). Notably, 7,816 FM issuances are still effective and enforced up to the present. FM’s laws still apply and govern the nation today.
In a manner of speaking, FM, the corpus. is dead. But FM, the lawgiver, lives, pulsating vebrantly. FM laws are eloquent proof of the wisdom, vision, and foresight he possessed in formulating tham as instruments of good and effective governance.

Marcosian codes

No president has codified more laws on the same subject as President Marcos did, that are still effective and are being enforced.
Worth mentioning are the 15 codified laws issued by President Marcos that a

199: The 2010 Quiz

199: The 2010 Quiz
The 2010 Quiz: What Next? We trust that this "ATCA 2010 Quiz" finds you in excellent spirits. We wish you and your family the very best for the year ahead and hope you will enjoy playing this quiz. To begin with, ATCA presents a forward analysis of 2010 divided into nine sections:

i. Zeitgeist: Spiritual and Environmental Awakening;
ii. Green Technology, Lifestyle and Sustainability;
iii. Healthcare and Progress Above The Poverty Line;
iv. Digital, Nano and Robo Tech;
v. Shift in the Balance of Power;
vi. Growth Post Financial Shock;
vii. Sovereign Bond Yields and Debt Trap;
viii. China Mismatch; and
ix. Currency Turmoil, Gold and Inflation.

To play the "ATCA 2010 Quiz" just solve:

x. The Black Swan Mystery and Rank Order of Priority of the nine sections.


One of the many lessons of recent years is that if something does not happen immediately, it does not mean that it will not happen at all. For example, ATCA had noted gravity-defying unsustainable challenges to economic fundamentals in 2005, 2006 and the first half of 2007. These together became The Great Unwind and The Great Reset that unfolded subsequently. Although they were not a surprise, their scale, speed, severity and synchronicity were breathtaking. Many signs and signatures that we have noted over the years, have taken some time to manifest: this coming year may be no exception. The following outcomes are anticipated by the mi2g Intelligence Unit (mIU) and the ATCA Research and Analysis Wing (A-RAW):

i. Zeitgeist: Spiritual and Environmental Awakening

Spiritual and environmental awakening at an individual level and stake-holder activism at a group level is going to become much more pronounced in 2010 as people continue to connect with each other around the world in their billions and have more accurate information at their finger-tips. The perceived truth is increasingly an amalgam of alternative perspectives in regard to events and personalities obtained through mobile devices, social media, micro-blogging and other personalised expression outlets heralding the step-by-step decline in influence of newspapers and other traditional media.

The intelligence accessible via powerful online search engines, roaming mobile telephony and trans-national independent digital networks is delivering much more by way of protecting human rights, raising awareness amongst the masses, promoting democracy and the values of liberty, equality and fraternity, in comparison to the global confrontations orchestrated to achieve just that.

The more that humanity communicates and connects, the more it bonds to move beyond physical and intellectual differences towards realising the collective universal consciousness or the Omega Point. As global dialogue develops, greater connectivity, introspection and inner progress is likely to yield further rewards in mutual understanding, forgiveness, tolerance, compassion and mercy towards all fellow sentient beings and our united ecology.

ii. Green Technology, Lifestyle and Sustainability

Green technology is poised to take another massive step forward as individual lifestyles begin to modify significantly as a result of greater consciousness. Not only is the new technology evolution, in some specific cases, surpassing traditional fossil fuel alternatives, but post Copenhagen, many governments, businesses and individuals appear ready to make green technology and sustainability their immediate focus of attention.

We predict the rise of CSOs – Chief Sustainability Officers – at most major businesses over the next few years. Watch out for further greening of the corporate world, as it tries to reinvent itself in the face of pressure from its major stakeholders and the large pension funds’ awakened sense of fiduciary responsibility towards the next generation.

The rise of electric, hybrid, solar, hydrogen, wind, geo-thermal, hydro and tidal power as well as alternative clean fuels is inevitable and necessary to balance the over-dependence on unclean fossil fuels from an energy security perspective and the huge environmental degradation caused by industrial pollution.

Governments also wish to be seen to be getting greener in the area of clean energy production, distribution and consumption as well as coming up with inventive policies on taxation and resource allocation. Locally generated clean energy solutions may be preferred by discerning users in favour of centrally produced traditional energy solutions. These developments are already visible in the proliferation of local waste-to-energy recycling solutions and sustainable methodologies on the one hand and eco-friendly infrastructure investments on the other. Nuclear technology is also likely to be touted and embraced as a solution — once again — but it may not live up to expectations as the true cost and ten-to-fifteen year output delay of new nuclear programmes is determined, including the cost of processing the radioactive waste

alternative investment mutual funds

alternative investment mutual funds

Competitive Equity: Developing a Lower Cost Alternative to Mutual Funds
Mutual funds are a key resource for Americans saving for retirement, college, and other long-term goals. With hundreds of fund families and thousands of individual funds crowding the marketplace, competition would hardly seem an issue. Yet funds are failing to compete effectively on price. This is a serious problem for savers, because small price differences can deeply erode investment results over time. This book argues that the problem is not too little regulation, but too much and of the wrong kind. The authors show how current policy leads to de facto rate regulation and propose a new collective investment vehicle.